domingo, 8 de junho de 2014

Atividades do livro 1 - página 10

Listen to someone from Hazely Academy of Refinement and Modeling talking about social etiquette and mark the correct option.

1. The presenter’s name is
a. (       ) Jennifer Lopez.
b. (       ) Nancy Lopez.
c. (       ) Hazely Lopez.

2. She is talking about
a. (       ) how to introduce yourself.
b. (       ) the importance of English.
c. (       ) how to study English.

3. One of the important things when you introduce yourself is
a. (       ) say “excuse me”.
b. (       ) say your first and last name.
c. (       ) say “good-bye”.

English for all. Vol. 1. Aun, Eliana. Moraes, Maria Clara Prete de. Sansanovicz, Neuza Bilia. 1. ed. - São Paulo: Saraiva, 2010. p 10.


Atenção: Escutem quantas vezes vocês acharem que é necessário!

Tenham um bom aprendizado!!

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